
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Though You Walk Through A Valley Naked - a poetic message

Though I walk through a valley naked, I have no fear of not finding clothes better than the ones I shed! 

Although the green valley turns into desert, I will fear no heat. I will survive though the lilies about me have already shriveled and died;
My Helper rains justice and favor upon me;
Although the walk is long, I know it is not forever, only my hope is ever before me...
Though the shadow of death looms and harrows, I must  upraise my voice and change the directions of the arrows - discharged toward me;
Though I walk through a valley naked, I will fear no chill by the longest night though it be bitter toward me;
I will fear no rapist. My Helper, my Life is within me; 
I walked and walked the scorching sands. I fell and fell til my knees burned and blood covered my hands. I folded my oozing hands in prayer, arose and ran til sweat doused the sand - weary...
But, Life didn't leave me, lest I died like the pretty lilies did before me;
Instead I cleaved as it was not my time to ascend into the wind although I walked through a valley naked.
Now for you my friend, I tell you, have no fear of finding new clothes better than the ones you shed!
Though your green valley may turn to desert sand don't fear the torrid heat.
You can survive. Just stay beneath His rain, it'll restore your muddled mind like no other can.
Although the walk may be long, know it's not forever.
Keep hope awake, don't let it sleep. Keep the vision before you for one day you shall leap - into the cool dawn.  
Though a shadow of death looms, walk by what you know, not by what you see.
Work til your change comes;
Though your voice be cracked or hushed, cry quiet like Hannah did and wait;
You will give birth again.
Though you walk through a valley naked, fear no chills during the long unfair nights;
Don't fear those who desire you and cannot afford you.
Your Helper is within you and rides upon your voice;
So, though you walk through a desert naked, call.

Nhat Crawford, author
Single For The First Time
Black Coffee, One Sugar
Atlanta, Georgia